
The necessary requirements to qualify for the SEEII AWARDS FOR UNIVERSITY EXCELLENCE are the following:

1. The authors of the papers may be of any nationality. There is no age limit.
2. Having studied an Official University Master in Protocol in a faculty of the university system of the Kingdom of Spain, both public and private.
3. Candidates must provide documentary proof, by means of a simple copy of an original written certificate issued ad hoc by the corresponding competent bodies of the faculty where they have completed their Official University Master's Degree, which verifies:
  • Who have completed the Official University Master's Degree at a Spanish university, be it public or private.
  • That the TFM that is presented to the contest has obtained a positive qualification, indicating the numerical and nominal qualification obtained in the universities of origin.
  • No other supporting documentation will be accepted other than the one specifically requested.
4. The management of the blind peer review procedures will be the responsibility, respectively, of the secretary of the Scientific Committee and, subsequently, of the Secretary of the Jury of the SEEII AWARDS FOR UNIVERSITY EXCELLENCE.
5. A specific official certificate will be issued and delivered to all the members of the Scientific Committee and the Jury of the SEEII AWARDS FOR UNIVERSITY EXCELLENCE, including the presidents and Secretaries.
6. Participants must present a summary of the work that synthesizes the most relevant theoretical aspects and / or professional application, of between a minimum of thirty (30) and a maximum of fifty (50) pages, written in Times New Roman 12 font. , in Spanish and prepared for publication, with final layout on the template available in Annex 3.
7. They must send a cover letter and one (1) copy of said abstract in electronic format (PDF), along with the other documents specified below.
8. The summary of the work, in a single file in PDF format, must follow the following structure (Annex 3):
  • Cover including:
  •  Names / logos of the corresponding university, faculty, degree / master and department of origin, and title of the work.
  •  Name of (the) author (s), with their email addresses and their contact telephone numbers.
  •  Name of the director / s of the work, with their email addresses, the location and the date of submission of the application.
  • Brief summary of a maximum of two hundred (200) words (Abstract) and six (6) keywords (Keywords).
  • Index
  • Introduction
  • Objectives of the TFM
  • Brief statement of the Theoretical Framework
  • Establishment of Hypothesis
  • Research methodology used and limits of the research.
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions (numbered in Arabic)
  • Bibliography and webgraphy
  • Annexes (only access links)
  • Scanned copy of the original certificate with the final grade obtained in the evaluation of the TFM Courts, duly signed and stamped by each university of origin.
9. The works presented must be totally unpublished in any medium, medium and language.
10. To present their candidacy, candidates for the SEEII AWARDS FOR UNIVERSITY EXCELLENCE must complete the Registration Form available in the corresponding section of this same web page, attaching a letter of presentation from the director of the TFM, the Confidentiality Request Form (Annex 1) and the Document of Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights (Annex 2), together with a scanned copy of the National Identity Document (DNI), the Foreigner Identity Document (NIE), or the Passport of the author / s of the job.

01 Annexed

Confidentiality request form


Document of transfer of intellectual property rights

03 Annexed

Job summary in PDF
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